March 2020
CONGRATULATIONS! to the cast and crew of TWAS, directed by Shona Sneddon & Pamela Nesiobedzki-Curtis. The Western Ontario Drama League (WODL) announced three out of festival awards for this amazing show.
Best Sound Design was awarded to Alex Kanarek. Two adjudicator awards went to Lars Panchuk and Adrian Rawle for their ability to portray very believably the same character at different ages. The production team of Pamela, Jane and Judith received an award for their rediscovery of old technology and bringing it to new life.
The show also received four out of festival nominations: Best Juvenile for Lars Panchuk as Rupie; Best Newcomer for Adrian Rawle as Ruprecht; Best Visual Costuming for Pamela Niesiobedzki-Curtis, Pamela Bickerstaff & Cathy Goudie; and Best Lighting Design for Peter Busby.
Thanks also to the cast and crew of When The Reaper Calls, directed by Doug Feggans, for wonderfully positive audience feedback and high attendance numbers. And kudos and appreciation to Dean Palmer Photography, Dave McLeod Videography, and member Justin Bastin, for their picture and video work this season so far.